Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Streams of Consciousness

Inside my head for 3 minutes - knew ya'll could relate : )

Can't get to the phone right now Michele, but I can hear you leaving a message. Ahhh, 10:38 and baby is finally asleep - putting him down - - carefully - stay asleep! Arm is numb from holding and my robe is damp with spit up - I really need to wash this thing. Will he sleep for 45 minutes or will I get over an hour now? Oh, there's my coffee - will it taste good being re-heated for the 3rd time? Should I have some breakfast now or wait awhile for lunch? I want to eat healthier today - I should call Jenni and see if she can get with Court & I on Wed. That would be good. And Emma - I need to write Emma. Better water that plant - grab those dishes on the way into the kitchen - don't forget the laundry basket. Coffee re-heated - I should throw in a quick load of laundry. Hmmm - a shower, catch up on emails, empty the sink? Coffee not warm enough - yuck. I'll sit down to write those thank you cards I've been meaning to write. Coffee re-heated, better. Oooh, there's some donuts - eat and guilt : ) Oh there's that note I wanted for the baby book - put that up before I lose it. Ugh - clothes everywhere - have to remember to have kids pick up living room before bed tonight - wonder how the kids are doing today - quick prayer. Wonder how esther is . . look at the floor - gross - maybe we should have a dog? - is that a smushed bug? no dried chilli - must remember to wipe table immediately after meal - clean table. Maybe a short nap?! oh yeah, start that laundry! coffee cold again! : )
Cathi Heare


Pam said...

Ah Yes I can relate, I had three kids. Send out a mass email thanking everyone for their gifts. Get a dog and let him lick the floor clean. Cover table with table cloth. Tell everyone in the family that their new closet is now the dryer or the laundry room basket. Leave a message on the answering machine that you are fine and come to the house for a meeting and have each person do one thing in the house before the meeting. Have the Loft Coffee house send over fresh coffee every hour on the hour. And just love your children and smile because they will be grown and gone before you know it. And you'll have plenty of time to do the things most people don't even see now. Don't have an answer for the sleep deprived. I never figured that one out. I just walked around like a zombie. When possible, put the cereal on the bottom shelf and the milk in a smaller container and on Sat. morning have the TV set for cartoons and teach them how to get breakfast with out waking you up. Ask Jenny.
You are doing great. There is an end to the craziness I promise. It's all worth it.

The Garrison's said...

Okay Cathi - I LOVE this first of all...and I can relate! And I only have one kid. Secondly, Pam, I LOVE your response...I want to print it out and save this pearl of wisdom!

The Blevins' said...

i just love you Cathi!! God bless you! You crack me up. Maybe it is sleep deprivation, but girl you have pizazz. I am so glad that you updated the blog. I think everything Pam suggested is a go. Also, you should know if you ever need some time away or someone to hang out with the "big" kids, I am up for it. Just let me know.

Tootle Family said...

That is HILARIOUS! I can totally relate. And, mom...you are funny! Fun blog! Please keep it up...and, add that to your list.

Ben said...

I can totally relate! Seems like life never slows down, huh? If you need time away ever, just let Ben and me know...now that we've mastered this one-child thing, I think we're ready for three more! ;o)

The Garrison's said...

so glad to know i am not alone. mom, great comment! like court i think i may need to print that one out! i totally remember getting our own cereal in the am. NOW i understand why... hopefully sue will learn soon. i sometimes picture Jesus carrying me who is carrying mattie sue who is carrying malyn. it helps. sometimes. gosh 3....i'll come back to this email when Boo and I talk about kid #3.


Anonymous said...

Helloooooooooooo! Is anybody out there? Update please!