Friday, July 27, 2007

Our New World

Well, I am officially in love again!

Ethan is beautiful, healthy and already a good sleeper. He sleeps a five hour stretch at night - just so his mommy can have some good rest - I think he loves me too! He is a deep thinker. During his awake time he's captivated with his "friend the fan" and the headboard to our bed. Both fascinate him with the contrast of dark brown against the light-colored ceiling and walls. He wrinkles up his forehead and just stares in wonder. He likes being sung to as well as being snuggled. If you want him to wake up, just lay him down!

Ryan and Emily are precious with Ethan. They keep calling him "Buudddeeee". Scott and I are trying not to pick up on it, but find ourselves mimicking them. Em will hold Ethan for 30 minute stretches, just as happy as can be. Ryan prefers the 2 minute hold, but stops by for lots of check-ins and kisses.

Scott is doing a great job juggling all of us. He took us all in to town yesterday - a trial run for me being out by myself and Ethan's first big outing. I won't tell you where we went, because I still can't believe I took a newborn there. (A sane mom would never take a newborn out to say - Inflatable World? with 300 other kids running around, just ready to share their germs!) Scott was an old pro juggling the stroller, carseat, diaper bag, two older kids, drinks . . .shall I go on?

Thanks everyone for all your prayers, check-ins and for all the yummy meals and treats! We are one spoiled crew! See you all soon,

Thursday, July 19, 2007

LIttle Brother's Home

"Dear Everyone,

We have a new baby brother! We love you...everyone.

G-d gave our baby brother to us because He wanted to give it to us so that we could have another children. And so we love you dear everyone." - Emily

"I love my brother. This is Emily talking to you. I love everyone, and even my baby brother. Thank you G-d for giving us a baby brother. And now I love my baby brother...forever."

Emily, Big Sister


"This picture looks like Bubba is asleep, but he is about to fall asleep. My brother is about 7 pds and 14 oz. He is very playful, and his favorite thing to do is sleep. I sleep with him sometimes." - Ryan

"Thank you for coming to the hospital we really appreciate all that you have done. We expect for all of you to have fun with my baby brother"

-Ryan, Big Brother

"It has been a wild few days, but all is well and we are home!" - Scott

"Wow. Our Family is now five. Thanks for all of your love, support, and prayers. We very much look forward to introducing you to the newest member of our family..."

Scott, Dad of 3

Next Up..... MOM!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Psalm 89

A maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite. [a]

1 I will sing of the LORD's great love forever;
with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.
2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever,
that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself

Ethan J Heare was born this afternoon at 12:30. He is 7 pounds 14 ounces. He is 20 inches long. Don't let this sweet picture fool you, when born he was screamin like a banshee!

Cathi was incredible. With Ryan she was in labor 20 plus hours and pushed for 2 and a half. The lady Emily was a 12 hour labor with about an hour of pushing. Ethan was a 5 hour labor with about 15 to 20 minutes of pushing. And "Yes!" she did look this good right after he was born.

Ryan and Emily arrived to welcome little brother into the world. As we walked down the hall after meeting Ethan for the first time Ryan threw his hands up into the air, looked up, closed his eyes and said "Thank you G-d! Thank you G-d! He is so cute!" The nurses station was a bit startled.

Cathi carries the baby, goes through labor, and delivers the child. I cut the chord. I dropped the scissors on the first try. This time....beautiful.

A Good Day.

Your prayers, encouragment, and love have meant more than you will ever know. Thank you.

Tomorrow the kids will be blogging!

If you want to know about Ethan's name check out the first blog "Countdown"

Scott, Cathi, Ryan, Emily, and Ethan

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Sunday July 15, 2007.

Its about two in the afternoon on a sunny warm July day. The kids are winding down from church. Cathi is taking a little nap. It could be any Sunday afternoon if it weren't for the fact that next Sunday afternoon everything will be different. In the next 72 hours the four of us, G-d-willing, will become five. If he doesn't decide to arrive before Tuesday, Cathi is scheduled to be induced at 6:30 in the morning. It is only a matter of time before we will all meet Ethan J Heare.

Ethan's name comes from a few different places. Ethan was a prayerful favorite of Cathi, Ryan, Emily, and I. Biblically you can find him in a few places. Most prominently as the writer of Psalm 89. The Psalm is worth a read and I have been sneaking it into as much worship as possible- including this morning! His name means "solid, enduring."

The J is not just a J. As many of you know we considered Towry as a middle name. His brother Ryan's middle name is Towry and it has been a wonderful way to honor our great families that have given us so much since it was Cathi's maiden name. Emily's middle name is "Jo", just like Mom "Cathi Jo" and Grandma "Jo Ellen". So what's the J?

The J connects Ethan to two of the most important men in Cathi and my life...our Fathers. Jerry Wayne Heare and John Errett Towry. Jerry and John are both incredible men of character, family, and faith. Each has served our country, their respective churches, careers, and families with character, strength, and love. Our hope is that when Ethan is asked what the J stands for he will have an opportunity to share the legacy of courage and faith that his grandfathers have lived.

Heare has been traced all the way back to Cornwall, England before the Doomsday Book. The only names tracked before this historical census were either Royalty (knew it.), criminals (knew it.), or clergy (yikes!). He will also be an 8th generation Texan.

Biblically, people live into their name. Our prayer is that Ethan J Heare will discover his destiny and that it will carry with it the amazing faith of the psalmist and the rich legacy of his family.

Tick, Tick , Tick...