Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Streams of Consciousness

Inside my head for 3 minutes - knew ya'll could relate : )

Can't get to the phone right now Michele, but I can hear you leaving a message. Ahhh, 10:38 and baby is finally asleep - putting him down - - carefully - stay asleep! Arm is numb from holding and my robe is damp with spit up - I really need to wash this thing. Will he sleep for 45 minutes or will I get over an hour now? Oh, there's my coffee - will it taste good being re-heated for the 3rd time? Should I have some breakfast now or wait awhile for lunch? I want to eat healthier today - I should call Jenni and see if she can get with Court & I on Wed. That would be good. And Emma - I need to write Emma. Better water that plant - grab those dishes on the way into the kitchen - don't forget the laundry basket. Coffee re-heated - I should throw in a quick load of laundry. Hmmm - a shower, catch up on emails, empty the sink? Coffee not warm enough - yuck. I'll sit down to write those thank you cards I've been meaning to write. Coffee re-heated, better. Oooh, there's some donuts - eat and guilt : ) Oh there's that note I wanted for the baby book - put that up before I lose it. Ugh - clothes everywhere - have to remember to have kids pick up living room before bed tonight - wonder how the kids are doing today - quick prayer. Wonder how esther is . . look at the floor - gross - maybe we should have a dog? - is that a smushed bug? no dried chilli - must remember to wipe table immediately after meal - clean table. Maybe a short nap?! oh yeah, start that laundry! coffee cold again! : )
Cathi Heare